Safety Notice
Forza: Important Safety Notice
Concerning all Forza harnesses manufactured in 2015 with the serial numbers:

There have been several reported cases of a reserve loop failure on the Forza harness. In all cases, one of the loops holding the reserve pin failed completely. There have also been some reported failures of loops that had previously passed the safety notice checks at 15kgs. For this reason we are re-issuing this safety notice with more stringent check requirements (see below).
Due to the double pin design the failure of one loop should not pose an immediate risk of accidental deployment but it is strongly recommended that your loops are properly checked by your OZONE dealer or a qualified professional before attempting to fly the harness again.
Please return your harness to your dealer, or a qualified professional to perform the checks.
- Pull out the reserve pins and open the reserve pocket to access the loops. Using a baggage weighing scale or similar, exert 20kgs of pressure to each loop to check the integrity of the stitching. Repeat this process 3 times for each loop.
- If no fail occurs, the loops are deemed to be good and the parachute can be replaced. No further action is required.
- If a failure occurs the harness is deemed non-airworthy and should be immediately returned to the dealer to be fixed. The dealer should contact OZONE.
It is possible to perform these checks yourself, however if you have any doubts about the procedure or find an issue, please consult with your OZONE dealer.
Remember to thoroughly check your harness and entire reserve system on a regular basis.