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Congratulations Kinga Masztalerz for receiving the prestigious International FAI Air Sport Medal  Kinga is an outstanding ambassador for the sport of free flight, having represented NZ...

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Federated Mountain Clubs (FMC)

Bird Flu- What you need to know

Kia ora , The Department of Conservation is preparing for a potential outbreak of bird flu, also known as Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI). We are sharing some important...

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Health and Safety

Health and Safety

The NZHGPA advocating on members behalf, has made both an association submission and united with 11 other Outdoor Recreation Groups to form a coalition urging the government to amend the...

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30 Years of Paragliding

30 Years of Paragliding

This Day in History - 16 August 1994 Celebrating 30 years of paragliders joining in the fun with the hang gliders and becoming one big flying community that we know today as The New...

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