Membership Fees

Full Membership (note 1)

Visitor Pilot Membership (note 2)


Student Pilot Membership (note 3)


Youth Membership (note 4)


Associate Member (non-flying)


Airborn Magazine Subscription (NZ)


Airborn Magazine Subscription (Overseas)





  1. Full membership fees are reduced in May on for NEW members.  Expires 31 October.
  2. Visiting Pilot memberships may be applied for no more than once a year and last 4 months. You must provide evidence of an approved, current foreign pilot licence or IPPI card before the membership will be activated. Uncompleted applications may be cancelled after 4 months, without refund.
  3. Student membership is only for flight while under instruction. Expires 12 months from approval. Must be upgraded to Full Membership before applying for a pilot licence.
  4. Youth membership is only for NZ residents under 18 years of age.

Transaction Currency

All NZHGPA Fees are charged in New Zealand dollars.

NZHGPA Refund and/or Disputes Resolution Policy

Membership and other fees once paid are non-refundable except in special circumstances at the sole discretion of the NZHGPA .
Disputes regarding money paid must be presented in writing to the Administrator and will be judged on merit by the CEO with regard to our OPM and policies.

NZHGPA Delivery / Returns Policy

NZHGPA membership/rating cards will be sent to full members at the address provided on the membership application. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure their details are kept up to date.

NZHGPA Privacy Policy

NZHGPA will not disclose your personal information to third parties, or make any use of it, without your permission (unless NZHGPA is required to do so by statute or by an authorized body in order to aid the investigation or prevention of crime).