Gin Verso3 and Gingo Airlite4 Reserve Handles

Supair Acro 4

We have identified a problem at one of our client outlets where we found a harness missing safety stitching on a ACRO 4 harness produced in March 2019. One of the shoulder webbings was not correctly sewn with the ventral cross strap, but only pre-glued before the...
Gin Verso3 and Gingo Airlite4 Reserve Handles

Gradient Avax XC paraglider

Gradient Avax XC 5 A line failure Status : URGENT & CRITICAL DESCRIPTION : Risk of lines rupture on GRADIENT AVAX XC 5 gliders. PRODUCTS CONCERNED : GRADIENT AVAX XC 5 gliders produced between January 2015 and April 2017, all sizes. FACTS : A confirmed French...
Gin Verso3 and Gingo Airlite4 Reserve Handles

Supair Access

The coating of the black Cordura might deteriorate overtime and become sticky. It is possible that the degraded rescue parachute container flaps affect the parachute extraction, making it harder or even impossible. For full CRITICAL safety notice, click...
Gin Verso3 and Gingo Airlite4 Reserve Handles

Neo Body Speedriding Harness

This safety notice applies to the Body speedriding harness only. It does not apply to the Body Picture 1.0 or 2.0. A series of occurrences or incorrect handling can in very exceptional cases trigger an unintentional opening of one of the two leg straps of the Body...