Mike Lissington obituary

Mike Lissington obituary

It is with sadness that we announce the sudden passing of Mike Lissington on 25th November, 2022, aged 57.  Loved partner of Debbie. Much loved son of John and Marion (deceased). Brother to Karen and Julienne. Uncle to Baylee, Hannah and Bella. Cherished by Floyd and...
Membership Renewal

Membership Renewal

It is that time of year again when we start the renewal process for membership of the 2022-2023 year. This process will kick off from the 17th October 2022 and to continue flying you must renew by 1st November 2022. This year the NZHGPA National Fee is $240 plus your...
Gin Switch 2 – Recall

Gin Switch 2 – Recall

Gin have recalled all Switch 2 harnesses produced before July 2022, because of a manufacturing problem affecting the airbag. Switch² owners are asked to immediately return the harness to their Gin importer for modification, as detailed in the safety notice on Gin’s...
Gin Switch 2 – Recall

Sky Twin Harness

Sky have issued a safety notice for the Twin tandem paraglider harness: it is possible that the Velcro on the foam protector could damage the reserve or its container. The notice, dated 28 April 2022, says that the harness’s foam protector could move if it has been...
Alan Hills

Alan Hills

It is with heavy hearts that we bring sad news to our free flying community that legendary Instructor Alan Hills died peacefully last night after suffering a brain haemorrhage, he was 64. There’s a message for all of us there- make every day count. But most of...
Jill Borst Memorial Trophy, 2022

Jill Borst Memorial Trophy, 2022

Blake Round has been awarded the Jill Borst Memorial trophy, for his significant contribution to the New Zealand paragliding community. The list of work is extensive from Club Safety Officer, NZHGPA Exec member, Training Manager, and raising the bar for TOW, Acro and...