Safety Notice
Advance have published a safety notice concerning the reserve handle of Lightness 3 harnesses sold in 2018.
Lightness 3s sold in 2019 already have an updated reserve handle. The new-style handle can be easily identified as it has a white ‘LIGHTNESS 3’ label, as shown in the picture below. Only reserve handles without the white label are affected by this safety notice. Pilots should carefully ease the handle base a little way out of its pocket on the harness to check for the label.

If your reserve handle has a white label, as shown here, it is the new type, and not affected by the safety notice
The safety notice was issued as a precaution, in response to a report from a school who encountered a situation in a test reserve throw from a harness hanger, where the pilot had difficulty extracting their reserve with the old-style handle.
Advance recommend that any Lightness 3 owners whose harness has the handle without the white label, should contact their dealer and request a free replacement reserve container with the new handle.
Advance comment that they have extensively tested reserve throws, including under high G-forces, with this type of handle and did not encounter this problem, but they acknowledge that many individual factors such as reserve volume, G-loading, pilot’s arm length, pull direction, pulling technique etc. can affect how easily a reserve can be deployed.
“Despite the fact that we devote a lot of time to this very subject when developing a new harness, and also make many thorough tests in the G-Force Trainer on every new development, it can be, as now with the Lightness 3, that a particular combination of circumstances can make a reserve release difficult. In every case we recommend that pilots, after installing their reserve in a harness for the first time (irrespective of brand or model), carry out their own test release. This is an essential part of the compatibility test”.
Read the press release at