News and Events
50 Years of flying in New Zealand
20 April 2023

Time flies when you’re having fun!
For the Wellington Club (WHGPC) it has been 50 years this September and to mark this auspicious occasion the club will be hosting a gathering to celebrate on Saturday November 11, 2023. Further details will be forthcoming, but in the meantime, pencil that date into your diaries. If you have anything you want to contribute to the celebration in terms of old photos, VHS (or Beta) tapes, or just some good old war stories, now is the time to dig them out.
We look forward to seeing veteran pilots mixing it up with the fledglings, and all points in between, as we come together to mark this milestone in New Zealand’s free flying history.
Here’s to another 50 years of some of the best flying there is. If you are interested in participating please register your interest at