Safety Notice

Gradient Avax XC paraglider
8 June 2019

Gradient Avax XC 5 A line failure



Risk of lines rupture on GRADIENT AVAX XC 5 gliders.


GRADIENT AVAX XC 5 gliders produced between January 2015 and April 2017, all sizes.

FACTS : A confirmed French pilot’s A lines (high and intermediate) ruptured on one side of his AVAX XC5 during a manoeuvre with a strong load shift (tight 360°), forcing him to use his rescue parachute for safe landing.

FINDINGS : Following the incident, we ran some tests on a same model glider (with several dozen hours of flying) at an independent “control centre”. Results showed that the resistance values were inferior to the minimal required.

These tests highlighted a scenario in which the high lines would shear the intermediate lines thus provoking a premature rupture of these lines. Despite the rupture test values of every line being within the requirements of norm EN 926-1:2006, the lines juncture can become a major issue.

As a reminder, norm EN 926-1:2006 evolved in late 2015, a few months after this glider passed the certification test, which saw the lines rupture minimal values increase (from 8 times the maximum flying weight to 14 times).

FOLLOW-UP : In order to ensure the safety of pilots and honest customer service, GRADIENT will replace all the lines of affected gliders, free of charge.

These new lines set will comply with the latest version of the EN 926-1:2015 norm.


PROCEDURE : If you own a glider concerned by this safety note, we ask you to follow this procedure thoroughly :

  1. Do not fly with this glider again.
  2. Contact your reseller or GRADIENT directly :

by e-mail : [email protected] or [email protected] (for the Czech Republic)

by phone : +33 4 50 45 75 29 or +420 608 816 319 (for the Czech Republic)

  1. Give the serial number of your AVAX XC 5 to receive new revised line set.
  2. Change or have a professional change your lines on your AVAX XC 5 to fly safely again.

Our main concern is the safety of all pilots. If you have any questions, we remain at your disposal to give you further information.


Laurent CHIABAUT – Director, GRADIENT S.r.o



34 Rue Adrastée – Parc Altaïs 74650 CHAVANOD – FRANCE

Tél.: +33 4 50 45 75 29 | Email: [email protected]