Safety Notice

Ozone Ozium 2 parachute pod and handle
9 October 2018

Ozium 2 Safety Notice: October 9 2018


We have been made aware of a potential safety issue with the Ozium 2 reserve parachute pod and handle.

There is a possibility that the handle can become detached from the inner pod during the parachute extraction process. This could lead to a failure of the deployment system.

Action required: Mandatory replacement of all Ozium 2 reserve deployment pods

The reserve deployment pod on all Ozium 2 harnesses MUST be replaced before next use. The new pods are currently in production and will be sent automatically to your OZONE dealer ASAP. Please contact them to request a replacement.

The new updated pods are clearly identifiable by the yellow reserve pins and extra reinforcement around the material joining the pod to the handle. The original incorrect pods have clear plastic reserve pins.

We recommend you to not fly your Ozium 2 until the pod has been replaced.

For any questions regarding the replacement of the handle, please contact your local OZONE Dealer or contact us directly.

Download Reserve Modification PDF